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Colorful Party Dress Up Game

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Game Instructions

Category: Dress-Up
Description: If you want to be the star of the party and make sure everyone notices you when you walk in, a colorful party dress is perfect for this purpose, no matter what type of party you're going at. A colorful party dress is both fun and exciting and can turn a dull party into a successful one. Still, wearing a colorful party dress the right way is a skill every girl must work for since there's a chance you choose a dress that will make you look more like a clown than like a fashionable lady. You don't want to add too much color, girls or the result might not be the one you were looking for but the exact opposite. Sure, you'll have all eyes on you, but not in the admiring way you were expecting, but just like at the circus when the clown is doing his number. Our girl is not exactly what you would call a fashion expert so mixing colors is not her strong point, so she needs help choosing a colorful party dress!
Instructions: Use mouse.

Games Like This: Colorful Party Dress Up a Free Online Game
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Tips: Use sound files that are a multiple of 22050Hz.