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  Battle Wizards A Free Online Game
Sharp Shooter A Free Online Game
Sharp Shooter
Diva's & Divo's
DiamondsonDeck A Free Online Game
space battle 5 A Free Online Game
space battle 5
Thor Hammer Attack A Free Online Game
Thor Hammer Attack
Stick Master DX A Free Online Game
Stick Master DX

Online enemies Games
Stink Bomb Game

Plays: 24079
Category: Strategy
It is a hard life being a skunk, people just do not understand that you do not want to be bothered. Show the humans to stop messing with you and quirt them with your Skunk stink in the game 'Stink bomb".
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Fist Pumpin Game

Plays: 11858
Category: Adventure
While walking home from the nightclub, Louie finds the city taken over by aliens! Help Louie defeat the alien party crashers! Hop on enemies and combo for the win!
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Raider Squadron Game

Plays: 11737
Category: Action
Raid and take over the dark space enemies space stations in order to regain power over the universe!
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Turret Rage Xtreme Game

Plays: 8943
Category: Shooting
Blast away at enemies with your xtreme turret!
Space Wars Game

Plays: 8393
Category: Adventure
Take out all opposing space enemies before you are taken out first!
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Call of Cacology Game

Plays: 5247
Category: Action
The game starts from the village of our stickman, The HERO. Lead him and fight with various enemies to take the revenze. The game consists of 10 levels. Complete them all and make stickman win.
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Little Red Spaceship Game

Plays: 4741
Category: Action
Move your spaceship and kill the enemies
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Galactic Warfare Game

Plays: 4653
Category: Adventure
Defend your space base from being destroyed by oncoming enemies, and asteroids! Use your high technology space turret!
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Plane Blaster Game

Plays: 4565
Category: Shooting
Shoot your enemies
Ultimate Ninja Asoult Game

Plays: 4433
Category: Adventure
Go through the level and ilently assassinate all enemies.
Ninjas of ancient secrets Game

Plays: 4312
Category: Fighting
enemies are attacking! use your wizard to fight of the enemies.
Gears of Ophidian III Game

Plays: 4235
Category: Action
The Country is in big trouble. The enemies have attacked the nation with all the weapons they have. You are the last hope to save the nation. So Save the nation by destroying as many plane as you can.
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Alone Game

Plays: 4235
Category: Shooting
Kill all enemies
Thor Hammer Attack Game

Plays: 4125
Category: Action
You are Thor and you wield a mighty hammer of Odin to crush your enemies.
Sharp Shooter Game

Plays: 4070
Category: Shooting
This game is only a fun game. But you need to shoot enemies on your way!
Omnitrix Unleashed Game

Plays: 34631
Category: Adventure Games
Now that the security guards have been hypnotized, you can use the Omnitrix and help Ben and his friends fight the remaining enemies!
Jack Frost Game

Plays: 29623
Category: Adventure Games
Ice the competition in MTV Arcade’s Jack Frost. Our twisted version of Jack takes you through nearly 40 frost free levels! Ice enemies, avoid fire and keep your cool by freezing everything in your grasp. Play single player or grab a friend for some head to head competition in two player mode. Who knew a game this hot could be so cold?
Sonic the Hedgehog Game

Plays: 27973
Category: Strategy Games
Get Sonic to the end of the level while avoiding or bouncing on the enemies. Collect rings to keep alive and for bonus points.
Vortex Game

Plays: 26233
Category: Puzzles Games
Vortex is a unique mouse avoider game featuring 'intelligent' enemies and obstacles, as well as a cheat menu. Vortex is harder and more addicting than your average mouse avoider game and I hope you enjoy playing it. I made a basic version of this game some time ago, but have updated the graphics and added some new features. Have fun!
Crazy Ape Game

Plays: 23100
Category: Shooting Games
Attempt to survive 15 levels of fast paced platform action in the world of the Crazy Ape. This game is a side-scrolling platformer. Unlike traditional platformers, Crazy Ape does not require the player to navigate through platforms to find a way through. The key gameplay feature here is survival. The player must survive by avoiding, or shooting enemies.

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Tips: Explosion graphics animate until the end of their timeline and then disappear. A single frame explosion will disappear almost instantly and not look that great. Usually 20-40 frames for an explosion should work well.