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Build Your Own Games

Build Your Own Games

Building Games We provide a unique online game building wizard for you to create the game you have always wanted to create. Our tools let you select from a wide variety of graphics which you can use as your player character, enemy character, projectiles, and various background and foreground layers. You can also upload your own graphics and use them in your game if you so choose.

You can build your game in your web browser and then you can play it in your browser or on you Android phone. You can build games with similar gameplay to popular classic arcade games like Galaga, Raptor, R-Type, Pacman, Supar Mario Bros., 1942, and many more.

When designing your player character with our unique game wizard you can choose from the following movement types:

Player Movement

  • Side to Side. The played can only move left and right at the bottom of the screen only.
  • Spin Around. The player is in the center of the screen and can rotate. However, they can not move from the starting position.
  • Stationary Turret. The player is at the bottom middle of the screen facing upward. The player can rotate fire 180 degrees upward but can not move.
  • Paddle. The player can only move left and right at the bottom of the screen only. The player's weapon bounces off the walls.
  • Free Paddle. The player can move left, right, up, down, and spawns at the bottom center of the screen. The player's weapon bounces off the walls.
  • Fire 360 Degrees. The player can rotate and move anywhere on the screen and fire forward.
  • Move 360 Degrees. The player can move in any of the four directions but can not rotate. The player faces upwards and can fire upwards.
  • Multiple Stationary Turrets. There are three turrets at the bottom of the screen. The turrets can rotate and fire 180 degrees upwards but can not move. You can switch been the three turrets. All through turrets have to be destroyed to lose a life.
  • Top to Bottom. The player spawns at the left of the screen and faces to the right. The player can move up and down but not left or right. The player fires to the right of the screen.
When designing the opponents in your games you can use our unique game wizard to choose from the following movement types:

Opponent Movement

  • Move Left/Right. Opponent characters spawn on the left and right side of the screen. The left opponents move right in a straight line. The right opponents move left in a straight line. Both types of opponents fire down.
  • Falling. Opponent characters spawn on the top of the screen and move in a straight line down the screen. The opponents fire downward.
  • Move Down/Back & Forth. Opponent characters spawn at the start of the level in a matrix of rows and columns on the screen. All opponent characters move together back and forth across the screen. When they reach the edge of the screen they move down a bit and then move back the other direction. As the player kills the opponent characters the remaining opponent matrix moves faster.
  • Stationary Matrix. Opponent characters spawn at the start of the level in a matrix of rows and columns on the screen. The opponent characts do not move.
  • Chase Player. Opponent characters spawn anywhere on the edges of the screen and move and fire directly towards (chase) the player character.
  • Random Movement/Face Foward. Opponent characters spawn anywhere on the edges of the screen and randomly move around the screen. The opponent characters fire in the direct they are moving.
  • Random Movement/Face Down. Opponent characters spawn anywhere on the edges of the screen and randomly move around the screen. The opponent characters always face and fire downward.
  • Snake. Opponent characters spawn in a snake like unit which moves back and forth down the screen. The snake turns around and moves back the other direction when it encounters an obsticle.
  • Move Left. Opponent characters spawn on the right side of the screen. They face, fire, and move left.

Once you combine the gameplay and graphics of the player and opponent you are almost ready to publish your game. There are a few settings left like the foreground and background layers which you can build and configure.

Building your own game with our wizard also has more advanced options which you can tweak to get even more advanced behaviour and gameplay. You can also select existing games to derive new games from which allows you to evolve games instead of starting to build them from scratch every time.

Publish your game and distribute it to various sites like,,,, and Newgrounds.

What are you waiting for? Start building awesome games today!

Tips: For games that do not involve explosions when you destroy an opponent you can change the explosion graphic to a modified version of the opponent graphic. For example if you are shooting rabbits the explosion graphic can be a dead rabbit.