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Online dead Games
Fish If You Dare Game

Plays: 28479
Category: Adventure
The fishermen have caused a huge shortage in the fish population and the citizens of the ocean are not happy with this fact. The fish council have sent for the most powerful shark in the ocean to get rid of the fishermen and put an end to their terrifying fish-napping problem. show the mortals that they can not just take what is not theirs in the game 'Fish if you Dare'.
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The Dead Sea Scrolls Game

Plays: 4818
Category: Action
You are an archaeologist working near the Dead Sea. Search among the rocks to discover and collect all of the Dead Sea Scrolls in this fun archaeology game! Delve into history and experience the adventure of looking for the real life Dead Sea Scrolls.
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lets do this Game

Plays: 4752
Category: Driving
drive untill ya dead
Night Walkers Game

Plays: 4653
Category: Shooting
The dead have risen. Zombies freely roam the land and there are few places left to hide. You find an abandoned house and try to survive the nightly waves of hungry zombies. Protect the house at any cost!
Call Of The Dead Game

Plays: 3971
Category: Shooting
Play The Game And Have Fun!!!
Rise of Debacle Pearl Game

Plays: 3212
Category: Action
Space wil dead you! Mhahaahhaahahahahhhahahahahahahahaahhahaahahhaahah
Attack of the Dead:2012 Game

Plays: 2486
Category: Adventure
It is the end of the world and you are the only human left. That means that everyone else is a zombie. Try to kill the zombies without losing your health
Desolation 2 Game

Plays: 24740
Category: Shooting Games
This game is based on desolation 1. Even if the gameplay is diffrent and that this game is made with some pictures, the story line follow the first game. In this one, you're out to find the remedey to clear off every infected citizen. In this game, you will have at your disposal three great weapons. A M16 Assault Rifle, Glock 17 and a combat knife. Only thing, you got to find somme ammo because when you get to the bunker, there's a path of dead zombies behind you! Try to survive this intense and amazing horror - suspense flash game!
Replicator Game

Plays: 22951
Category: Shooting Games
The eggs keep hatching... the bugs are out of control... it cannot be done... it's insane! Destroy the bugs before they hatch more eggs. And remember... "the only good bug is a dead bug". In this arcade shooter, the player finds his/her ship surrounded my eggs. After a short time the eggs begin to hatch revealing bugs, which will seek and destroy the player. The bugs also produce more eggs. These will also hatch after a certain time. The player must destroy all the bugs and eggs on the screen in order to proceed to the next level.
Luncheon Of The Dead Game

Plays: 9131
Category: Action Games
Luncheon Of The Dead is a survival style Real Time Strategy game, wherein you control 9 defenders trapped inside a mall. Your job is to survive as long as is possible. You must scrounge for supplies (ammo, medikits and debris) in the stores of the mall, build walls of debris to hold back the shambling hordes and position your defenders to shoot the zombies without getting eaten. Upgrades can be purchased along the way to give your defenders a leg up, and if things get too hairy, you can always drop a Molotov Cocktail and BBQ some zombies!
Law & Order: Criminal Intent Game

Plays: 115568
Category: Adventure Games
In Law & Order: Criminal Intent, a man is found floating in the East River. The police need to find out who he is and what happened to him. As Detective Robert Goren, uncover a trail of drugs, corruption, and revenge to find out who wanted the victim dead. Survey the murder scene, use psychological tactics to interrogate witnesses, collect evidence and run tests, and solve challenging puzzles in order to arrest the perp.
Law & Order: Dead on the Money Game

Plays: 44402
Category: Adventure Games
Law & Order: Dead on the Money is an exciting 3-D game based on an original, complex murder case created by a Law & Order TV writer. You'll step into the dramatic world of criminal investigation when you're called to a crime scene in Manhattan's Central Park. You and your partner, Detective Lennie Briscoe (actual voice of Jerry Orbach), will work to uncover the identity of the victim, gather evidence, track down witnesses, and identify viable suspects. Once you've got enough evidence to make an arrest, your supervisor, Lieutenant Anita Van Buren (actual voice of S. Epatha Merkerson), will sign off on your warrant. Once you have the killer in custody, the focus shifts to the criminal courts. You'll work with Assistant District Attorney Serena Southerlyn (actual voice of Elisabeth Rohm) to build a compelling case that will convince the jury to return a guilty verdict and convict the defendant.
God Of War Game

Plays: 41280
Category: Action Games
Revived by the Apollon, the dead King Leonidas now become God of War. Help him return to his homeland and win the last battle against the Army of the dead.
FlipSide Game

Plays: 37655
Category: Puzzles Games
FlipSide is a new take on an old puzzle game. You flip tiles over in a10x10 (customizable) grid until all the sides are flipped to stars. The new component that breathes life into this dead concept is that any player frmo around the world can acreate their own custom puzzle and upload it onto my "Puzzle Center" server. They can also compete for the top of my high score board (also already hosted by myself) with a pack of premade puzzles that are included with the original release. There is also a "random puzzle" mode where you can play a randomly generated puzzle. The scores from these puzzles are also included in calculating the high scores.
The humans are dead Game

Plays: 33373
Category: BoardGame Games
The humans are dead is an actual board game, similar to War, Catan, Kingsburg and other board games where players have to make meaningful decisions in order to beat their opponents. Players can produce and find resources to advance their civilization, build walls to protect their territory, strategically place robots to defend key locations, and collect Evolution cards that can contain any results, such as benefiting from Philosophy, Transportation systems, or some other cards that while humorous, can be not that useful. Watch your robot civilization evolve from its beginnings or fall into extinction.
Don't get pregnant Game

Plays: 32126
Category: Action Games
Many sperms want to reach the egg! You have the control over the condoms! So do everything to kill all of them! Use the condoms to shoot them one by one, or use the Pill-PowerUp to kill many of them immediately! Control: -Shoot by hitting the left mousebutton -Recharge by hitting the spacebar -Catch a pill with the crosslines to kill all sperms on the screen -Get one point for every dead sperm -Recharging costs two points This game is very simple and easy to learn, but it's very addictiv!
Fred's Pick Up Tour 3 Game

Plays: 25016
Category: Driving Games
Fred is back and more angry than ever! Take Freds invincable truck and terrorize the peds, destroy the map, and launch some sheep.
Arrow Puzzle Game

Plays: 23676
Category: BoardGame Games
Click as much arrows as possible before you reach a dead end in this simple puzzle game.
ISIS (challenge edition) Game

Plays: 21356
Category: Adventure Games
What would you pay to bring someone you love back from the dead? Follow Isis as she discovers a haunted world in her search for her beloved. Find the differences in order to move forward in her tale, but be careful what you wish for -- it just might find you.
CubiKill 2 Game

Plays: 19846
Category: Shooting Games
Cubikill 2 is back for more killing at work! Our deranged friend is back and this time he is pissed for getting fired. Time to liberate some aggression!!

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Tips: For a scope shot set the Player weapon speed to zero. Change the player weapon graphic to a circle that gets quickly smaller and then stretch the frame out around 4000 frames so it doesn't repeat itself.